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10 Reasons Why HypnoBirthing International is the Best HypnoBirthing Australia Course
The HypnoBirthing International Program Gets the Thumbs Up from Australian Families as the BEST HypnoBirthing and Premium Childbirth Program on Offer. When choosing an antenatal class for the birth of your baby, you want to be sure that you are getting the very best...
Why UNDERSTANDING what being chased by a TIGER has in common with LABOUR is a GAME CHANGER!!!
What the…? I know what you are thinking ... How can this have anything remotely to do with labour and birth? Let me tell you, it has EVERYTHING to do with birth. Not only that, an understanding of this is the difference between you feeling a lot of pain or being much...
It Takes A Village to Improve Maternity Care
Let’s unite to make change and a lasting improvement for our mums. We’ve got absolutely terrible outcomes in this country for maternity care. I’m not just talking about live births, or the fact our mum’s survived. I’m talking about the emotional and physical toll our...
Birth Trauma: The Psychological Effects of Obstetrical Interventions
The Truth on Birth Trauma and Why We Need to Speak Up for Our Babies William R. Emerson, Ph.D., psychotherapist, workshop leader, writer, lecturer, and pioneer in the field of pre and perinatal psychology has studied for the past twenty-five years the process of birth...
Why do we listen to the Rainbow Relaxation?
Tapping into the Rainbow Energy Field! Every HypnoBirthing- The Mongan Method couple listens daily to the Rainbow Relaxation track, written by Marie Mongan, to condition their mind and body to relax down quickly and easily for their birthing day and parenting. Parents...
Pregnant? Thinking about it? You have to read this!
Why I am so proud to be a Gold Seal HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method Practitioner HypnoBirthing® the Mongan Method is an Evidenced Based Antenatal Program. I know that when I am teaching couples (and ALL Gold Seal practitioners as we teach the same content!), I am...
Shopping for Maternity Care? Find Your ‘Best Fit’ Care Provider
Find a care provider who is “best fit” for you. When we are planning for our big day, we spend hours trawling through the latest glossy wedding magazines, eagerly dog-earing the pages, enthusiastically circling, ripping out bits and pieces to collate together and form...
How can parents bond with their babies prenatally and why it is important?
Bonding has Life Long Benefits Bonding during the prenatal period between mother, father with their unborn baby has life long benefits. The quality of that bond influences the baby’s future physical growth and the mental and emotional development for the rest of it’s...
Help – I’ve Been Told My Baby is Too Big
Too many mothers are being led to believe that their babies are ‘big’, and may need intervention or c-section early to ensure that their baby is safe. Let’s look at the facts, and put mums at ease once and for all! Whilst predictions can be made, and it can be assumed...
40 Questions for Finding Your Care Provider
Choosing the 'best fit' care provider for your pregnancy and birth will be the most important decision you make to work toward reaching your goal of a positive and safe birth. Don't settle for just anybody. Shop around, and make sure that who you choose is supportive...
Have Your Say About Maternity Choices in Australia
Why being a maternity consumer representative is so important. It’s a powerful voice to make change. We are the voice of so many. I’ve lost track of the kilometers I’ve travelled, the meetings I’ve attended, the emails I’ve written, the hours I’ve spent with my phone...
How To Rock Your Birth, Your Way!
Shalome Doran Wants You To Know that You Can Have A Rock Star Birth, Mama! It was the moment the obstetrician gloved up and started unwrapping the episiotomy scissors that I thought, ‘Mmm… this is not cool’. The midwife-on-duty whispered in my ear ‘Honey, you do not...
The Importance of Vaginal Seeding
This curious new birth practice of transferring healthy bacteria to a baby born via c-section has been referred to as a 'new birth trend'. Evidence has been building and encouraging new research indicates that this practice may be more of a triumph for babies, than...
Your Babies Amazing Senses Before Birth
During most of the 20th Century, scientists didn’t think that the unborn baby had any functioning senses. It used to be accepted that intelligence was located only in the brain and since the brain was not fully developed until after birth, there seemed to be no...
Obstetricians Recommend HypnoBirthing The Mongan Method
HypnoBirthing® is changing the birthing World Obstetricians, midwives and birth professionals all over the world are educating themselves with the HypnoBirthing Mongan Method program, as its evidenced based outcomes for positive birth are a key to real change in...
The Important Facts of Vitamin K that You Need to Know
What is Vitamin K? Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that forms an essential part of our blood’s ability to clot. A newborn baby has very little Vitamin K, as the vitamin does not cross the placenta, and a baby’s gut bacteria (gained during the birth) has yet to...
Getting Your Pelvic Floor in Shape for Birth Beyond
What are Pelvic Floor Muscles? The floor of the pelvis is made up of layers of muscle and other tissues. These layers stretch like a sling much like a trampoline from the tailbone at the back, to the pubic bone in front. A woman’s pelvic floor muscles support her...
25 Years of Beautiful Birthing!
Birth Can & Should Be A Positive & Empowering Experience This birth video collage is a tribute to our families and practitioners that spread our message of calm and positive birthing. Join us in creating a more peaceful world. It all started with one woman's...
World HypnoBirthing Day
Celebrating 25 Years of Beautiful Birthing! HypnoBirthing Institute Marks 25th Anniversary with launch of World HypnoBirthing Day World HypnoBirthing Day will now be celebrated each year, and HypnoBirthing Practitioners across the globe plan a calendar of many...
HypnoBirthing® : A journey beyond birth
The Benefits of HypnoBirthing® Go Way Beyond Birth By Kylie Dawson - HypnoBirthing® Practitioner in Brisbane During one of our HypnoBirthing® sessions I distinctly remember my HypnoBirthing® practitioner saying to my husband and I that "birth is the easy part, it's...
Birth as a natural, normal event
Birth is a natural, normal healthy human experience. Women’s bodies are created to conceive, nurture the development of babies and to birth. Their bodies are not flawed and destined to malfunction. In the absence of special circumstances, healthy women and their...