The One List You Can’t Do Without In Pregnancy

Pregnancy & Birth Blogs

We Want to Share a Secret Pregnancy List with you! The Only One You’ll Need!

As mothers-to-be we are bombarded by lists in pregnancy.

  • Hospital appointments
  • What you can’t eat
  • Exercise you should be doing
  • Supplements you need to take
  • What to buy for the baby
  • Names for the baby
  • What to pack in your hospital bag
  • What to pack in the baby’s hospital bag

It’s overwhelming!

What if I told you there is one list that you absolutely cannot do without? The Holy Grail, Mother of all lists!

This list may not be fun.

It doesn’t mean buying all the nice things.

It may actually be confronting and really hard work.

But this list is the most important.

Its one that most mums do not tick off because most mums don’t even know about this list!

And I’m going to share it with you.

I’m going to give you a list that will change your life. I hope you use it wisely.

Care Provider

  • I have researched all my maternity care options – public hospital, private hospital, shared care, midwifery group care, home birth, independent midwife, doula.
  • I have made an informed choice and have 100% confidence in my chosen care provider.
  • I have discussed my wishes and birth preferences often with my care provider and feel listened to and supported.
  • I have researched common interventions and feel knowledgeable in evidence based research around topics such as induction, big babies, vaginal examinations, due dates, continuous fetal monitoring, optimal cord clamping, managing the third stage of labour etc.

My Body

  • I understand how the three layers of muscles in my uterus work and how to assist that process.
  • I know the four main hormones of birth and how to optimize their production throughout labour.
  • I understand the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome and how it relates to Failure to Progress and fetal distress.
  • I have 100% confidence in my incredible body and its ability to birth naturally and I’m prepared for what turn my birthing takes.
  • I have educated myself widely in techniques to assist my body through the labour process.
  • I have practiced these techniques daily for as long as possible so they are second nature to me.
  • I take care of myself physically and mentally.

My Baby

  • I understand how common interventions may affect my baby both during labour and after birth.
  • I have researched the importance of skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth for bonding and breastfeeding and will advocate for this regardless of the type of birth I have.
  • My baby’s gut microbiome is of critical importance to me and I will do all I can to achieve a vaginal birth as long as it’s safe for my baby and me.

My Birth Companion

  • My husband/doula/sister/mother understands and supports my wishes and birth preferences and will do anything in their power to advocate for my baby and me.
  • My birth companion is able to support confidently me during labour and birth, assisting me to use techniques such as breathing, relaxation, self-hypnosis and visualisations.
  • My birth companion knows that they are my protector and advocate. They are comfortable conversing politely with care providers on my behalf and able to hold the birthing space as I require it.

In my opinion, this list needs to be included in with pregnancy tests.

It’s never to early to start opening your mind to what birthing possibilities are out there.

Birth can be a magnificent experience for a woman, her baby and her birth companion.

By ticking this list off, it puts you in such a good place to achieve a birth that makes you feel like an absolute rockstar, whatever that means for you.


HypnoBirthing Interntional
HypnoBirthing International (The Mongan Method) is the Gold Standard of HypnoBirthing Globally. We are the original and official HypnoBirthing Program here in Australia & the program chosen by the Royals! The Gold Seal signifies both credibility and professionalism of our Educators Internationally with accreditation from the HypnoBirthing Institute. This emblem is only given to those educators who have pushed themselves successfully to complete the extensive HypnoBirthing Certification and training. We have over 30 years of proven results and many, many successful, positive birth stories.

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