HypnoBirthing FAQS
Everything you need to know to experience a positive birth…
Click through the following HypnoBirthing FAQs to learn more about how HypnoBirthing can help you to achieve a calm, empowered and positive birth experience.
How long does it take to learn HypnoBirthing?
The course is run over 5 sessions of 2.5hours (generally once per week for 5 weeks). The whole process takes a couple through a delicate process of removing fears and limiting beliefs to building a positive mindset for birth. The tools and techniques are practiced through the course and right up to your birthing day. This practice conditions your mind and body to relax down and let go to the power of birth. Read why we teach the program over 5 weeks (and not over a weekend) Choose The 5 Session HypnoBirthing International Program.
When should I start practicing HypnoBirthing?
There is no firm time however from 20 weeks on is recommended. We find most parents like to start their HypnoBirthing preparations between 20 – 35 weeks.
The earlier you start the better, as you have more time to practice and enjoy all of the benefits that these techniques bring yourself and your baby, not only for birth, but in pregnancy too!
Does HypnoBirthing really work?
Over the last 3 decades, we have had hundreds of thousands of expectant parents around the world prepare for their births with our HypnoBirthing program. We receive birth stories, thank you emails and testimonials weekly from parents that are so grateful to have had these tools and techniques (as well as a positive mindset) to use for their birth. Does every person that attends HypnoBirthing have a physiological instinctive birth. No of course not. Birth is unpredictable and each mother and baby is unique, as is their birth experience.
The biggest misconception about HypnoBirthing, is that to have a Hypnobirth you need to have an unmedicated, physiological and pain-free birth. We cannot and would not promise anyone that by using HypnoBirthing, your birth will be pain free without unanticipated events. (If anyone is promising you that, run a mile!). We are about supporting you in achieving your birthing goals, as these are personal to each birthing person.
What we can promise is that with this ‘toolbox of techniques’ and the education that enables you to be informed and able to advocate for your birth choices, will give you the best chance at having the most positive birth possible. We are preparing couples for whatever turn their birthing takes. We also know that the techniques will help you have a calmer and more comfortable experience of birth. If you practice, you will see the benefits.
When you remove the fear of childbirth, understand the physiology of birth, have an incredible support team that are advocating for your birth choices, you can step into birth confident in your ability and use your HypnoBirthing toolbox to ride the waves of labour and birth in a more calm, focused and instinctive way. If birth takes a turn, your tools will help you make the best choices and stay calm in the process.
So, does it work? Yes it absolutely does!
Can I do HypnoBirthing on my own?
The HypnoBirthing course is designed for a birthing person and their birth partner/support. Having someone by your side in birth that knows how to support you and can advocate for your birth choices is going to help you feel safe and allow you to let go to the experience. Even if you do not have a partner, we encourage you to bring someone along that can support you in birth. This may be a doula, a friend of a family member who can attend class and assist you with your practice.
If you can only attend alone, you are of course, very welcome.
My partner works away. Is it necessary for him/her to attend?
We recommend that partner’s attend all HypnoBirthing classes wherever possible, along with an additional support person. The support person can be a doula or family member who will attend classes with you and assist with your practice.
With fly-ins/fly-outs, the recommendation is to start HypnoBirthing classes as early as possible, around the 20 weeks so that there is plenty of opportunity to attend the classes together, or arrange for some private in-home sessions with your local educator.
Talk to your closest educator about how they can best work with you in your circumstances. There is flexibility for special circumstances.
Can I just do the course in 1 weekend?
It is not recommended as part of the HypnoBirthing program in order to achieve optimal benefits.
The exception is when you are very late in your pregnancy where only part of the program can be covered to help you in the best way we can to achieve the best outcome for your birth.
The five week HypnoBirthing course gives adequate time for practice, reflection, time to get to know your baby and to know what and how you wish to birth. Your educator will help you over this time to become confident, familiar and relaxed.
A weekend course can create information overload, and we are learning from the hospitals that mothers that have taken weekend courses with other programs are not doing as well. We know that this program has been cleverly designed over the 5 sessions to release fears and have positive preparation. We want you to have the best birth you can, so we would be short-changing you by working with you over a weekend. The 5 session format is definitely best for learning, results and preparing for a happy, calm birth.
Is HypnoBirthing covered by my health insurance?
Check with your health insurance company what they would cover. Some educators are private Midwives, in which case they may have the ability for you to claim some portion of the course.
Some Psychologists and Hypnotherapists have provider numbers, please check with your insurance company.
If they say no when you mention you are attending a “HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Class” for prenatal preparation, ask them WHY ITS NOT covered?
How much are HypnoBirthing Classes?
Please check with your local educator. Most group classes start from $550 upwards for the 5 x 2.5hour sessions but this varies from educator to educator and in some areas this figure might be higher.
What do I get from attending HypnoBirthing Classes?
You will receive:
- Positive prenatal education with over 30 years of success
- Book: HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method
- Rainbow Relaxation MP3 Album
- Additional Relaxation MP3’s
- Course handouts
- Support and understanding as you develop a beautiful relationship with your birth companion and baby
- Trust and guidance from your HypnoBirthing educator
How do I know that my HypnoBirthing Educator is Certified and holds the proper qualifications?
All certified HypnoBirthing educators of the highest standing carry the Gold Seal of Approval on their website, along with a certificate bearing their name and qualification signed by Marie .F. Mongan. This is the only authentic and recognised certification by the HypnoBirthing® Institute.
Should I still attend the hospital antenatal classes?
Some HypnoBirthing parents attend their hospital antenatal classes as well. It is up to you. The HypnoBirthing course is comprehensive and will prepare you well for your birthing day, so it is not necessary to do both. Many parents report that the hospital classes they attended had a strong focus on the medical side of birth and active management of birth. This is not the case with all hospital classes, and many hospitals are working toward education that builds confidence, rather than fear. If you are not attending the hospital classes where you are birthing, it would be worthwhile enquiring about a birth suite tour.
Look for the Gold Seal of Quality…
HypnoBirthing International (The Mongan Method) is the Gold Standard of HypnoBirthing Globally. We are the original and official HypnoBirthing Program here in Australia & the program chosen by the Royals! The Gold Seal signifies both credibility and professionalism of our Educators Internationally with accreditation from the HypnoBirthing Institute. This emblem is only given to those educators who have pushed themselves successfully to complete the extensive HypnoBirthing Certification and training. We have over 30 years of proven results and many, many successful, positive birth stories.