Calm HypnoBirthing® Home Water Birth of Sunny

Birth Stories

Sunny, born at home on 6 May 2014

Dear Carrie

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the help that HypnoBirthing gave me during my labour.

I used the blue satin ribbons visualisation a lot during the beginning phase. I listened to the rainbow relaxation and birthing affirmations which helped me keep my focus as the moment of birth grew closer. I think the rainbow track was even on in the background when my baby was born. I used the breathing techniques and my baby was born very easily into the bath without me needing to forcefully push.

My midwife Terri was wonderful and kept telling me to picture my cervix opening like the rose picture (which I had up on the wall in my planned birthing room – he ended up coming in the bathtub though!) one petal at a time with each surge. I think it helped me to avoid any tears/ need for stitching afterwards.

The tools were invaluable for Josh. He was wonderful. Using the pushing on the back technique you taught us in class for surges and light touch in between. Keeping me topped up with drinks etc. My placenta took quite a long time to be birthed after the baby and when the midwives were talking about having to use the syntocinon injection soon, Josh asked what would be the dangers of waiting a bit longer (as we practised in class!) It ended up happening naturally very shortly afterwards anyway.

The day before baby was born I took my dog for our normal sunrise walk in the forest. I often stop to do a little bit of yoga and while pregnant have been doing the cat/cow poses. Lately though the ground has been too cold for me to want to so I practised the warrior poses we did in class last weekend. It was beautiful looking up through the treetops seeing the golden sunlight just start to come through. I felt such a connection to the baby at that time. We have decided to name him Sunny.

Thank you again Carrie.

With lots of love,

Belinda and Josh

Carrie Jeff
Mother of 3, Carrie is a Birth Doula, Registered Pregnancy Yoga Instructor, Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator and Active Birth & Meditation Teacher. Carrie owns a busy yoga studio, Joymamma, on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland and is also a facilitator for the Sunshine Coast Positive Birth Movement. Passionate about holding a safe and sacred space, Carrie works closely with women to help them prepare their bodies and minds for the powerful experience of birth through regular HypnoBirthing, Active Birth and Pregnancy Yoga classes. Carrie’s belief and philosophy is that the more understanding and trust we bring to the amazing process of pregnancy, birth and motherhood, the more positive and life-enhancing our experiences can be.

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