HypnoBirthing® Mums Speedy Birth in Perth Ambulance

Birth Stories

HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method Practitioner & Doula – Helena Hentz Shares her day with us – 14 November 2014!

I can’t wait to share one of the craziest birthing days of my doula life:-)
My warmest congratulations to J & J on a speedy arrival of their little baby son.
Little Wyatt (4,2kg) couldn’t choose a better day for his entrance into the world.
I and this gorgeous family met on Friday morning on the beach and took some pictures of J’s belly before they left to a wedding.
I received a sms around 5pm that J’s water broke…. at the wedding 🙂
we met an hour later at their place, and realized we wouldn’t make it to the hospital. 🙂 Couple of minutes later an ambulance arrived….
Little Wyatt slipped into the world in the ambulance in front of J&J’s home at 6:40pm 🙂
J & J, what an incredible journey we had together… loved to walk with you through such special 8 months of your lives and Iam so so happy and feel honoured for witnessing Wyatt’s birth 🙂
PS Massive thanks to the wonderful paramedic team ♥

When I found out I was pregnant again it all went into over drive and I made the best decision of my life to find a doula. I believed in my heart this would be the key to achieving an amazing, empowering birth. I was right!!! I had an instant connection with Helena!

On 14-11-2014 Helena took photos on the beach with our then family of three, little did we all know that we would be seeing each other again later that afternoon.

It was an honour to meet Helena and journey through my pregnancy with her doing HypnoBirthing classes. It was the most amazing experience and helped me release the fear I was still holding onto. I also drained her for information too as I was not going to repeat my first birth experience. I was prepared and excited for the birth of our son.

My husband and I packed our daughter up to go to her grandparents as we were off to a wedding. I could feel things going on so I packed a bag for myself too just in case we had to take off to hospital. We went to the wedding thing kept happening but I was happy socialising with friends and walking around the beautiful gardens. We sat down to watch the beautiful wedding ceremony and watched or dear friends get married. During the signing of the register mother of the groom turned around and started to chat to me. I said that if we disappear we have gone to have our baby as I thought I was in labour. She laughed at me and said just have the baby here there are two nurse’s you will be fine.

We continued to socialise during the pre-drinks. All the time I was messaging Helena giving her the heads up that we will probably need her soon. A short time later, I decided that we need to go home so I could get in to my HypnoBirthing zone as I believed I was in labour (little did I know that feeling I had was transition). I stood up to go and my waters exploded everywhere (like the movies). My friend handed me a nappy to discreetly leave the wedding without causing a scene. We went through he vineyard to say goodbye to the bride and groom.

On the drive home it was getting more intense I thought yep labour had definitely started ad ask Helena to meet us at our home. When we got home I had a shower and got changed. I had started to push but at this point I didn’t believe it. Helena arrived and we went to get in the car to go to hospital. I only made it halfway to the car and Helena said we need to go back in the house. Our baby boy was coming!!! I was trying my best to relax and let it all happen but realizing there was no midwife and no way to hospital I freaked out. I knew that nothing was wrong I was completely capable of birthing my baby. I didn’t feel safe so held my baby in until the ambulance arrived. It was chaos when they arrived and to be honest I could feel the fear in the room from them. I didn’t care I let go and started to breathing him down. I was in my birthing zone and nothing was going to stop me. I could hear Helena calm the situation down she was amazing. Helena knew I didn’t want this crazy chaotic environment, she did everything In her power to calm everyone down. The ambulance officers were determined to get me to hospital, Helena knew better her and my hubby jumped in the ambulance. I can still hear the panic in the ambulance officers voices we will got to hospital and pull over to deliver your baby if we have too. They were trying to get Helena out of the ambulance, she said this baby is coming NOW!!! I told them too this baby is coming!! I still clearly remember all the amazing things her and my hubby said to me. Helena, talked the ambulance officers through the birth too as they had never delivered a baby before.

Even though this may seem like a crazy experience, to me it was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me by birth filled me with so much joy and still does every time I think of it. As soon as he was born and I was having a party inside my head. I birthed my baby I really did it, he was perfect in every way.

I loved every second of my birth and the love and support from my Doula was more valuable than I could ever imagined. It is my two birth stories and Helena that have empowered and inspired me to be a Doula and the best Doula I can be.

Words can not express how amazing Helena is xxxx

lots of love


Helena Hentz
Helena is originally from the Czech Republic and worked in Austria and in Rep. of Maldives for several years before she and her husband came to Perth in 2006. She is a mum to two gorgeous children & during her first pregnancy she truly discovered her interest in pregnancy, birth and parenting; she found everything so fascinating. The birth of her son Zizou in 2007 was a life changing experience. In the last months of her pregnancy she learned about HypnoBirthing, and the techniques that she gained allowed her to look forward to her birth and enjoy every moment of it. After her beautiful and calm birth experience she realised she was on the right path to find the “something” missing in her life; the “work” that she could truly love with all her heart: Her initial interest has grown into a deep passion & she completed her training as a Doula and as a Certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner. Helena has welcomed more than 120 babies into the world since her doula training. Helena feels privileged to be invited to share this personal time with couples and truly believes that every woman and every baby deserves a positive and empowering birth experience. Helena is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor and is affiliated with Childbirth International, HypnoBirthing® Institute, International Association of Infant Massage, Australian Doula’s and the Community Midwifery WA Perinatal Support Project for refugee women and migrants. Visit her website:

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