The Home Birth of Siena Grace

Birth Stories

Siena Comes Earthside with Amazing Grace!

At 41 weeks pregnant, on the night of my 25th birthday we went to bed early, as we knew that the following day would be our special day! Sure enough, I awoke on the 4th of April feeling crampy and ready! By 9am my surges were gentle and widely spaced so Nathan went off to work for a couple of hours while I pottered around the house making my birth space comfortable and ready for my labour.

HypnoBirthing prepared Nathan and I to look forward to our birth and love one another throughout the journey of labour.

Every time I felt a surge come on Nathan was right by my side and I felt really supported and loved. We felt so happy and excited that our beautiful, gentle baby girl was making her way into our family. I welcomed the power I felt with each surge and swayed my hips to make it more comfortable. We had fun and loved being at home with our dog at our feet and our birth affirmations hung above the birth pool reminding me of my strength.

When the surges began to tire me, making me feel open and vulnerable, I looked to Nathan for love and encouragement. He helped me into the amazing hot water in my birthing pool and lightly touched my skin whispering love and encouragement into my ear to enhance oxytocin and relaxation. I felt like we were the only people in the world as I rubbed my tight stomach and spoke to our baby telling her to ‘come’ and that we loved her so much.

We felt like we were on a natural ‘high’ as the music and surge breathing lulled us into a steady rhythm of surges bringing our baby closer and closer. I visualised our baby coming into my arms and I never gave up on my strength even after an hour and a half of intense birth breathing to bring my baby down. Nathan and my birth team encouraged and loved me through every surge, reminding me of how strong and brave I was.

When I felt the sensation of our baby’s head crowning I reminded myself to breathe and stay calm because she was so very close! Sure enough, after what seemed like seconds of that burning sensation, I felt with both of my ready hands the best feeling in the entire world- a slippery, little body! With a rainbow of the strongest emotions I have ever felt I quickly and excitedly brought our baby out of the water and onto my chest.

Nathan and I cried tears of relief, love and joy as we studied every centimetre of our perfect baby. The love we felt for her and each other was and still is insurmountable. We named her Siena Grace, because she is our version of an earthy coloured southwest sunset and she existed so gracefully in my womb coming earth side with such amazing grace. At such a ripe age, you have taught us so much about life and ourselves, Siena Grace your birth has forever changed us.

HypnoBirthing prepared us to enjoy and succeed in our beautifully powerful home birth and we will forever remember and be grateful for this pivotal life-changing day.

Renae xx

Renae and Nathan attended HypnoBirthing classes with Angela Jordan in Bunbury, WA.

Angela Jordan is one of our wonderful HypnoBirthing® International Gold Seal Practitioners from Western Australia.

Angela is also an experienced midwife working within the Midwifery Group Practice in Bunbury , offering home birth as an option.

HypnoBirthing Interntional
HypnoBirthing International (The Mongan Method) is the Gold Standard of HypnoBirthing Globally. We are the original and official HypnoBirthing Program here in Australia & the program chosen by the Royals! The Gold Seal signifies both credibility and professionalism of our Educators Internationally with accreditation from the HypnoBirthing Institute. This emblem is only given to those educators who have pushed themselves successfully to complete the extensive HypnoBirthing Certification and training. We have over 30 years of proven results and many, many successful, positive birth stories.

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