Goodbye to Conventional Baby Showers, and Hello to Mother’s Blessings!
You may have heard of the term but wonder what a Mother’s Blessing is. A Mother’s Blessing is a celebration inspired by an ancient Navajo ceremony to honour and empower the mother before she gives birth to her baby. This ceremony can take many forms, from a traditional religious ritual to a more casual gathering of friends and family. However, the overall intention is to surround the expectant mother with positive energy and support as she
navigates the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy.

A Mother’s Blessing has many benefits for the expectant mother. It is a magical time for a mother to feel loved and supported by her loved ones. It can provide comfort and reassurance during significant change and uncertainty. A Mother’s Blessing offers an opportunity for a mother to connect with other women and feel a sense of community and connection. It can be important for mothers who feel isolated or overwhelmed. Practical support is another benefit of having a Mother’s Blessing. It is a great time to educate the mother’s tribe on how they can best be of service during the mother’s sacred postpartum period. They can provide practical support with cooking, cleaning, or running errands which can be beneficial for a mother during her fourth trimester. A Mother’s Blessing can also be a time for the expectant mother to share her feelings and receive emotional support from her loved ones. It can be important during pregnancy, which can be a time of emotional ups and downs.
A Mother’s Blessing can also be a time to celebrate and appreciate the expectant mother and recognize her strength and resilience during pregnancy. It can be a meaningful and uplifting experience for her. And lastly, a Mother’s Blessing can allow the expectant mother to prioritise her self-care and focus on nourishing her body, mind, and spirit. It can be imperative during pregnancy, when the expectant mother may be more focused on the needs of her growing baby.

We find that more women are having these ceremonies because they want something more intimate than the typical baby shower that doesn’t solely focus on the baby. They want to feel supported, loved, and empowered going into their birth, especially if they have fear. The transition from maiden to mother also needs to be honoured, and a Mother’s Blessing is a great way to do that.
There are many different ways to celebrate a Mother’s Blessing. The beauty of this ceremony is that the host can tailor it around the mother and her personal preferences.
Some common elements of a Mother’s Blessing may include:
- Prayers or blessings: Depending on the spiritual or religious beliefs of the expectant mother, a Mother’s Blessing may include prayers, blessings, or other rituals to provide spiritual support and guidance
- Gifts or symbols of support: Friends and family may bring small gifts or tokens of support to show their love and appreciation for the expectant These gifts could be anything from crystals, beads, flowers, or birth affirmation cards.
- Words of encouragement and support: A Mother’s Blessing is a time for loved ones to share words of encouragement, support, and love with the expectant It could include sharing stories about their experiences as mothers, offering words of wisdom or advice, or simply expressing their love and appreciation for the expectant mother.
- Special touches: Depending on the preferences of the expectant mother, a Mother’s Blessing could include special touches such as sound healing, cacao ceremony, foot bath, or flower crown making.

While the specific elements of a Mother’s Blessing may vary, the underlying purpose is always the same: to surround the expectant mother with love, support, and positive energy as she prepares for motherhood. For many expectant mothers, the experience of a Mother’s Blessing can be deeply meaningful and provide comfort, reassurance, and connection during times of significant change and uncertainty.
A Mother’s Blessing provides an opportunity for the expectant mother to connect with other women and mothers, to receive support and guidance, and to feel the love and support of her loved ones. Now, who doesn’t love the sound of that?
Mother’s Blessing ceremonies are becoming more popular, and many mothers who have experienced such magic and sacredness feel like it is one of the best days of their lives. If this is something you have wanted for yourself or to host for someone special to you, then this guide, ‘How to host a modern Mother’s Blessing,’ explains everything you need to create a special ceremony.
Fatima Wheeler is a mother of two HypnoBirthing babies – Zephyr and Zola.
Fatima has been passionate about pregnancy and birth since she found out she was pregnant with her first baby. Throughout her motherhood journey, she gained a wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom that she is excited to share with others. Fatimas two births were natural and also both homebirths, She felt the calling to guide, empower and inspire women who are on their pregnancy journey.
Find Fatima and her wisdom at: