Goodbye to Conventional Baby Showers, and Hello to Mother's Blessings! You may have heard of the term but wonder what a Mother's Blessing is. A Mother's Blessing is a celebration inspired by an ancient Navajo ceremony to honour and empower the mother before she gives...
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Birthing Options
Your 10 Different Maternity Care Options Compared
Did you know there are 10 different Maternity Care options to choose from? When you fall pregnant there are going to be many decisions you will need to make. One of the first is what type of maternity care is going to be best for your family. Picture this: Me: OMG...
What if I decide on care “outside the norm”?
Not Everyone is Looking for the Same Care Your ideal plan for pregnancy and birth, may not be the 'stock standard' care that is offered to most women. Is that okay? Are you able to request care that is 'outside the norm'? Of course, but many couples are not aware that...
Pregnant? Thinking about it? You have to read this!
Why I am so proud to be a Gold Seal HypnoBirthing® Mongan Method Practitioner HypnoBirthing® the Mongan Method is an Evidenced Based Antenatal Program. I know that when I am teaching couples (and ALL Gold Seal practitioners as we teach the same content!), I am...
Shopping for Maternity Care? Find Your ‘Best Fit’ Care Provider
Find a care provider who is “best fit” for you. When we are planning for our big day, we spend hours trawling through the latest glossy wedding magazines, eagerly dog-earing the pages, enthusiastically circling, ripping out bits and pieces to collate together and form...
40 Questions for Finding Your Care Provider
Choosing the 'best fit' care provider for your pregnancy and birth will be the most important decision you make to work toward reaching your goal of a positive and safe birth. Don't settle for just anybody. Shop around, and make sure that who you choose is supportive...