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hypnobirthing father

A Beautiful Unplanned Home HypnoBirthing

A Beautiful Unplanned Home HypnoBirthing

Babies Come In Their Own Time! Before I was introduced to Helena I was very nervous about giving birth and being pregnant in general. My friend recommended that I see Helena and do a HypnoBirthing course with her. My husband (who was reluctant at first) and I attended...

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3 Ways Doulas Help Dads At Birth

3 Ways Doulas Help Dads At Birth

Doulas aren’t just for mums and babies – they’re for dads and partners, too! Darren Mattock from 'Becoming Dad' shares his insight into a Dad's perspective on hiring a doula. Let’s talk just dads in this post and make it all about dads, as that’s my area of experience...

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First Time Dad Feels Confident with HypnoBirthing

First Time Dad Feels Confident with HypnoBirthing

Dad's can feel confident & Play a Major Role on this Important Day. Hi, my name is Kenny Spring, a first time dad and huge advocate of the HypnoBirthing approach.  During my partner's pregnancy I watched her grow more confident with the concept of...

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I promise, that nobody could be more sceptical than me

I promise, that nobody could be more sceptical than me

Then I started to realise what this book was saying and how much the concept made sense. I believed birth was what we saw on TV, long, drawn out, painful and in a hospital. That’s just how it was done. Husbands sat back and watched as their wives suffered through the...

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HypnoBirthing Father Shares His Transformational Experience

HypnoBirthing Father Shares His Transformational Experience

Many fathers approach the birth and parenthood feeling totally unprepared, and in many cases, a little lost. HypnoBirthing has been developed to prepare a couple, not just the mother. The program not only teaches birthing companions how to support the birthing mother,...

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