We used all the tools we learnt in our HypnoBirthing course!
Sasha Rose was born at Buderim Hospital, QLD on 27 sept 2016
We prepared in every way to welcome our little miracle into the world! Rainbow Relaxation, breathing practice and birth affirmations had become part of our daily routine and as the final few weeks passed, we were feeling ‘excited’ about the birth of our baby.
On Sunday 25th September (40 weeks 4 days) I noticed reduced movement and felt ‘different’; fast forward 24 hours and a checkup affirmed that Baby had very reduced movement, her heart rate was inconsistent and it appeared the cord was not functioning to its full ability.
We were admitted into hospital and induced. It was here that we really used our HypnoBirthing tools we had trained for with Carrie at Joymamma. Antony set up our room calmly, and whispered affirmations as the process of inserting the gel began. The nurses suggested that if my waters hadn’t broken by the morning, that they would have to do this for me. I was heavily against this, and prayed that it would happen on its own. Antony said to me before we lay down: ‘Remember Carrie said things happen when you are relaxed. Let me hold you and we can relax’. He put on our rainbow relaxation track, we dimmed the lights and he did some light touch massage on my back and POP I heard (and felt) my waters break all within a few minutes of laying down!
From here the whirlwind began – the most challenging, powerful, painful, emotional and rewarding experience I have ever been through in my life!
My surges rapidly increased over a 20 minute period and the midwife got me into the shower on the birth ball. (Antony dimmed the room, played our affirmations in the background and light touch massaged me as the surges came). We successfully endured this for some time, breathing my way through each surge. Carrie it was here that I remembered your voice reminding me that they only last 1 min, and I tried to focus on this as each surge came over my body.
Before we knew it the surges had rapidly increased and were coming every 1 minute, lasting 1 minute. Antony informed the midwife, and we agreed we would do an internal to find our where we had progressed to – 3cm and a posterior baby. Antony remained positive and calm (all that HypnoBirthing training!) and the midwives suggested that we move over to the birthing suite, so we had more access to hot water for relief from the surges.
Whilst in the birthing suite, we used all the tools we learnt in our HypnoBirthing course, and after a couple of hours of intense surges, a failed epidural, and the cord wrapped around Sasha’s neck (twice!) and a revival – we somehow managed to welcome our little miracle baby girl into our world! I birthed Sasha on all fours, with gentle encouragement from my husband and the midwives in a dimly lit room.
What followed was a flurry of emotions. With my baby on my chest, I remember looking up at Antony and he said: ‘Look we did it’, It was only about 5 minutes later that we actually looked and realised with much delight that she was a girl! Sasha lay on my chest, calmly looking up into mummy and daddy’s eyes.
Antony and I both reflect on Sasha’s birthing day as one of the most emotionally challenging experiences we have endured as a couple, but we both agree that without our HypnoBirthing ‘tool box’ things could have been a lot worse! Antony has not stopped talking about how he is so thankful we did your course and gained the knowledge we did. (Carrie – he tells everyone he wouldn’t have been able to keep it together without the HypnoBirthing skills he learnt!)
Thank you for all that you taught us, both Antony and I we will be forever grateful. We cant wait to introduce Sasha Rose to you xx
Much love Tara xxx
Tara and Antony attended HypnoBirthing classes with Carrie Jeff on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.