This is a very belated birth announcement, but five days after leaving the HypnoBirthing Practitioner course in Perth I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Gabriel Henry James, just shy of 10lbs.
The birth was my most challenging and went on for the better part of five days from when I left the course until he was born the following Friday morning. Gabriel chose an usual position to be born in and as such took his time. Both he and I worked very hard in order for him to be born into water in our lounge room at home surrounded by his family.
I feel truly blessed to have had the birth that I did and definitely feel that having done the HypnoBirthing Practitioner course the weekend before contributed to my ability to birth him at home despite him remaining in a posterior position with a suspected face/brow presentation.
He is beautiful and divine and we are grateful every day that we have him with us as we came closer than any parent wants to come to losing him at just three weeks old from sepsis. We spent a week in the children’s hospital and while he has recovered physically I am still working on getting back to my normal relaxed parenting place.
I absolutely loved the course and am hoping to complete my review this week. I really hope to do more courses with you in the future and can’t wait to get started bringing HypnoBirthing to Busselton!!