“I think Baby will come tonight”. I had told Matt the same thing at dinner the night before. My evening carried on as usual and then I lay in bed, resting but unable to sleep. During surges, I focused on my breathing and visualised my uterus muscles drawing up and my...
Search Results
positive birth
IVF Baby Birth Story
Our fertility journey spanned 4 years, 5 IUIs, 6 IVF cycles and one miscarriage. It was long, emotional and invasive. After all of our efforts we created one frozen embryo which we transferred as a last ditch effort before considering donor options. Amazingly the...
Bush midwife arrives just in time for unplanned home HypnoBirth!
Baby Whitney Surprised her Parents and Chose to Be Born at Home! Isabelle and Dan are a HypnoBirthing couple from the tiny western country town of Quilpie in QLD. They had all intentions to birth at the local hospital, but their new baby daughter chose to be born in...
Using HypnoBirthing with Special Circumstances
The Empowering Birth of Evelyn Not all Births play out as we expect. In HypnoBirthing we are teaching couples tools and techniques to keep them calm and positive in whatever turn their birthing takes. Although Amy and Ryan ended up needing intervention, the birth of...
A Beautiful Unplanned Home HypnoBirthing
Babies Come In Their Own Time! Before I was introduced to Helena I was very nervous about giving birth and being pregnant in general. My friend recommended that I see Helena and do a HypnoBirthing course with her. My husband (who was reluctant at first) and I attended...
40 Questions for Finding Your Care Provider
Choosing the 'best fit' care provider for your pregnancy and birth will be the most important decision you make to work toward reaching your goal of a positive and safe birth. Don't settle for just anybody. Shop around, and make sure that who you choose is supportive...